Story Competition
Do you have a story you can share? The team would love to hear from you with your stories of possibility – of how you overcame a surprising challenge.
Reflecting on our life experiences and sharing our stories with others is a core part of learning and growth as a human being. It helps us to understand ourselves and others better, make sense of what we live, and bring meaning and purpose going forward.
We have three categories:
Karen’s journey across Antarctica is possible only through special engineering and technology. Without these innovations, it would be difficult for her to move or function in such a treacherous environment. For example:-
- Mechanical and engineering design technology for the ICE trike Karen will use.
- Lubricants and puncture sealants designed specifically for low temperatures by Adhestik.
- Suspension ‘Loopwheels’ and wheelchair skis to enable movement on snow and ice.
- Medical technology to manage healthcare in the wilderness.
As a major sponsor of the expedition, Sinequa is passionate about innovation and believes strongly in the power of team spirit for delivering this. Sinequa is interested in hearing your stories of how technology has helped you to overcome a challenge.
In a maximum of a 2 minute video (portrait) or 500 words, please share a story of how something became possible for you or a team you were part of as a result of innovation or technology.
Part of the story behind the Pole of Possibility is about overcoming challenge and adversity. It is about developing inner strength, resilience and anti-fragility. How do we find the ‘inner gold’ to be able to navigate the challenges of living? For example, the team will need to go deep on mindset aspects such as:-
- Adopting a growth mindset to help see challenges as learning opportunities.
- Developing creativity and curiosity to reframe challenging situations.
- Combining skills such as patience and perseverance when life presents us with illness, injury or disability.
- Kindness to self and others to help enable more positive possibility.
As a sponsor of the expedition, Anatomical Concepts are passionate about supporting people with health or physical challenges to overcome what may be seemingly unsurmountable. Has there been a time when a shift in mindset or perspective has enabled you? In a maximum of a 2 minute video (portrait) or 500 words, please share a story of how something became possible for you or a team you were part of through adopting a new or collective approach.
The Pole of Possibility is also about valuing nature, our environment, and of finding more sustainable ways to live. The team are mindful of this delicate planet and the choice to actually travel to Antarctica to explore the wilderness there. This raises big questions about the choices we all face around sustainable living. How do we respect and conserve our resources? In Antarctica, Karen and the POP team will explore this and the value of nature. For example:-
- What can we learn from the great wilderness of Antarctica about our impact on the environment?
- Meeting and interacting with people and environments around the world is important, but how can we do this in a more respectful, sustainable way?
All of our sponsors and supporters of the expedition are concerned with protecting our environments and creating more sustainable ways of doing and being in our world. Do you have an example of how you do this? In a maximum of a 2 minute video (portrait) or 500 words, please share how you have adopted a new way of living more sustainably.
Please mark clearly which category you are writing for, your name and contact details. Winning stories will be read live from the Pole of Possibility and shared around the world.
Entries are welcome to each category from anyone of any age.
The prize for each category will be your story being shared from the Pole of Possibility, a signed Antarctic photo from the team, and an invite to be featured in the film.
Please send entries before the 9th December 2022 to
Discovering Antarctica
You can learn more about Antartica, the last great wilderness at Discovering Antarctica, an educational resource for schools.
It was developed by the Royal Geographical Society with IBG, in partnership with the British Antarctic Survey and the UK Foreign and Commonwealth Office. It provides resources on :
- Introducing Antarctica
- Oceans, atmosphere and landscape
- Ecosystems and foodwebs
- Science and exploration
- Tourism
- Sustainability challenges
- Governance and geopolitics